Hang Time

As my first grade teacher used to tell me (quite often), “Wait for the class.” There is so much shifting and changing in the world, it’s easy to get excited for things that aren’t happening yet. Patience has always been a struggle, now more than ever. The shift is finally underway, and it can’t happen fast enough. At least for me.

When I think about how terrifying it must be to watch the old paradigm fall, for those who fully believed in it, slowing down a bit makes sense. When I see the shock in someone’s eyes when they suddenly see beyond the veil, slowing down makes sense. This post is for the rest of us. If you have been walking this path for some time, things are still pretty slow. We are just waiting for the class.

The part I am most encouraged by is the number of people stepping forward and admitting they were never fully asleep. Not that we didn’t all get indoctrinated in some way, but some of us have always retained a conscious connection to our life before incarnating here on Earth. For me, moving people from belief in someone else’s story to their own personal experience is the entire point. More people are talking about their actual experience. Yay!

This time frame feels more like integration to me. I will get smacked with an epiphany and then need several days to process it and let it move my daily reality. Kind of like launching off a huge wave and staying airborne while the world moves under me. I feel like I spend more time airborne than riding the waves. When I land again, it feels like the whole game has changed.

Part of my integration process is adapting to which matrix indoctrination no longer applies. For example, I have always known that the outer world is changed by the inner, but after seeing it work the other way around for the last half century has definitely affected my attitude. That upside-down indoctrination has been returned to its original state. To be clear, I’m not “doing” anything, I’m just receptive to what’s falling out of the sky. Stay curious to stay receptive.

The world is righting itself, and personal egos are no longer in charge. Do we still have free will? Of course we still have free will, it just can’t run amuck like it used to. The next few months will be interesting. Your body is doing all the heavy lifting, so give it all the support and love you can muster. We got this.

If this info is helpful, you can follow my blog (lower right side of page) to have posts delivered directly to your inbox. You may also enjoy my books, Waking Up Indigo, Walking In Both Worlds, and What’s Next, available at Amazon, both in paperback and on Kindle. Love donations welcome and appreciated via PayPal (donate button). Please feel free to share and re-post these writings… we are all just walking each other home.

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2 Responses to Hang Time

  1. markwhammond says:

    Beautifully said, Natha! Thank you so much for showing this huge transformation, the biggest “curtain up” moment I can even imagine, and finding joy in it. My heart knows you’re right. You set a wonderful example. Hope you’re considering writing another book. Love, Mark

    Liked by 1 person

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