Losing Your Mind

Part of the inverted reality we have been living in is domination of the mind. With the advanced tech of AI, humans now get to reevaluate who we really are. Domination based on mental prowess is no longer our thing. Thank goodness! Human superpowers go way beyond our ability to do advanced math. We are multidimensional beings, after all.

Remember the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell? Remember the sixth sense of intuition? All those senses belong to a body. Our beautiful, creative mind also belongs to the body. We have been living backwards by putting the mind at the top. Treating the body as a temple is not about lofty goals, it is about making the most of human potential.

95% of the world believes we are both body and spirit. If we give the care of our body to the medical industry and the care of our spirit to a church, what role are we taking? There is nothing wrong with either doctors or religions, but your daily habits do far more. You, and only you, are responsible for living your best life. Life hack: Support the body, and train the mind. As Alan Watts told us, the mind is a good servant but a terrible master.

We are returning to our bodies. That beautiful brain of yours will still be there, it just won’t be in charge going forward. The brain will actually function better once we move our focus to caring for our bodies. How many of the mental health issues would still be around in a healthy body? If the gut microbiome sends the signal to our brain to release “happiness hormones”, all of a sudden it makes a lot of sense that we carefully feed the microbiome.

We have been living in a world that makes sure the mind is constantly entertained, while treating the body like a dumpster. The world has glorified mental satiation, while treating the body as an afterthought, or worse, with downright loathing. It will be such a relief to us all to return to our bodies. There is much talk of ego death, but what is the ego? The ego is a mental construct. Let the ego dissolve gently, while we rebuild our physical senses.

Take some time everyday to consciously use your senses. Watch a tree sway in the breeze. Listen to the sounds around you. Smell a flower. Taste a fruit. Touch something soft. Direct your attention to the physical world, and away from the dopamine hits of social media. It’s pretty amazing to connect with the physical. Your mind can relax – it’s no longer in charge.

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4 Responses to Losing Your Mind

  1. The Wave says:

    Amazing post, as always!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. festo_sanjo says:

    Exactly the rise of AI is making us question of our potential, I think it’s very true what you said it’s time to let our brains be the servant by being a good master. We are more powerful than our minds, ego death is crucial for mass awakening, but most people want the comfort of dwelling into the ego mind.
    Thanks for a great post

    Liked by 1 person

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