Life Unlimited

We are all so conditioned to concentrate on survival that true abundance doesn’t even cross our worried mind. The same way we consider codependency to be love, when unconditional love isn’t even noticed. It’s difficult to imagine sensations for which we have no direct experience. Just be open to the possibility of everything turning out better than our limited experiences.

I find that questions seem to open up new possibilities. I have written before about the game of What If? Now I have a few more questions for you to ponder. Is death required to end up in a happier place? If we were suddenly transported to heaven, would we know? Is there money and jobs in heaven? If all money stopped, would food still grow? If god/goddess was to speak to us, could this language come, as say, solar flares? Does god/goddess evolve and change?

There are no right answers. In fact, if you have settled on an answer it’s time for a new question. Certainty is the mortal enemy of possibility. The object here is to open the mind, so we don’t just keep replaying the same old worn out scenarios. Ever notice how something that used to excite you becomes drudgery and obligation over time? We are not meant to stay fixed, we are meant to change. You are allowed to change your mind at any point.

Last week I kept hearing the Hokey Pokey song: “You put your left foot in, you pull your left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around… that’s what it’s all about!” That’s how the timelines have felt in May 2024. It feels like we are turning back to our original plan, while shaking off the old stories. In order for stories to shift, we need to release them from our main focus.

We also tend to approach life backwards, trying to change the outer before the inner. If you despise your something (job, relationship, situation) then removing and replacing will only land you in the same circumstance. That’s called karma. If you dig deep enough within to actually observe and change your thoughts, then the outer will follow. Your outer world is always a reflection of your inner world, because it is a fractal of energy. Your world, not the world. You likely aren’t located in a war zone, so just concentrate on improving your own lot, the energy will spread. So dig in to your thoughts to find your main focus, and change it. At least encourage your mind to open with a question.

In Higher Realms it is all very exciting. Here on Earth, there are two distinct timelines forming, one better and one worse. The good news is that the better timeline is anchored and growing, while the worse one is diminishing and will fizzle out. Remember, no one can be saved, and their higher self opted for a certain ride. Never underestimate the power of planting a seed, but then let them have their own experience. You will be busy dreaming a new unlimited reality.

If this info is helpful, you can follow my blog (lower right side of page) to have posts delivered directly to your inbox. You may also enjoy my books, Waking Up Indigo, Walking In Both Worlds, and What’s Next, available at Amazon, both in paperback and on Kindle. Love donations welcome and appreciated via PayPal (donate button). Please feel free to share and re-post these writings… we are all just walking each other home.

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6 Responses to Life Unlimited

  1. festo_sanjo says:

    Certainty is the mortal enemy of possibility. This is so on point. Your post resonates so deeply. I think we who have embarked on remembering who we were before the world told us who we should be, are now getting into knowing we’re limitless and as we expand our consciousness we understand the limitlessness we possess. This month of May many of us have been called to look within and fix what’s not OK, as within, so without. Thank you so much for your inspiring words. Peace ✌

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Yes, thank you. It’s good to be walking into the unknown with friends like you : )

    Liked by 1 person

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